Export Control

UNM Office of Export Control

The U.S. Government controls exports of sensitive equipment, software and technology as a means to promote U.S. national security interests and foreign policy objectives.

It is the responsibility of the Cardholder/Requisitioner to perform appropriate due diligence in order to determine if an item to be purchased is export controlled.

  • The equipment/hardware is for an export controlled project. (A Technology Control Plan is in place for the project).
  • The equipment/hardware will be shipped or taken outside the U.S. or
  • The equipment/hardware has an obvious military or space capability, or is a type of laser, sensor, infrared camera, or high-performance computer


Please be aware that the purchase of export controlled items involves legal and regulatory complexities. These items may include sensitive technologies, materials, and equipment subject to strict export regulations.

To ensure compliance:

  1. Due Diligence: Before procurement, conduct thorough research to identify export-controlled items.
  2. Authorized Suppliers: Source these items only from authorized suppliers with the appropriate export licenses.
  3. Documentation: Maintain detailed records of procurement transactions, including supplier information and item specifications.
  4. Licensing: Verify and comply with all export licenses and permits required for these purchases.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines can lead to legal repercussions. Your diligence in the procurement process is vital.


Export Control Guidelines


UNM Main Campus Email: export@unm.edu or Phone: 277-2968


Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual -  Policy 4030 Travel


5. Export Control Compliance

Travelers are required to comply with all export control laws and regulations while traveling internationally.  When traveling internationally with UNM-owned equipment or UNM-owned information, please contact Export Control at export@unm.edu.